Monday, December 9, 2013

Cork Angel Ornaments

For the wine enthusiast this Christmas I'm making wine cork angels.  So simple, was able to use a lot of things I already had.

Start off with a cork and wire ribbon.  About 5-6", depending on how big you want them and the size of the corks you're using. 

Fold the ends into the middle and scrunch it down.

Next put a dot of hot glue down in the middle and place another, smaller ribbon, I found a sequin string, I had leftover.  Put another dot of glue on top of the end so you can wrap it around the wings and they stay when you glue them down to the cork.

Glue the wings to the cork and spread them out, shape them the way you want.

I found these styrofoam balls at the craft store that were perfect for the head and out for Christmas. If your craft store does not have them they will have regular styrofoam balls, without glitter or anything that you can paint whatever color you want.  Beads are also a good option, they have good size pearl beads or wooden beads in the children's craft section. 

So to make the halos just wrap metal around another cork.  Aluminum wire bends the best and cuts easy.

After that just hot glue the halo to the back of the head, then a string to hang it.  Fishing line works well too.

Complete!  Hope every one enjoys and has a fabulous Christmas! :)

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